-Dr. Heather D Collins
Dr. Heather D Collins
was born and raised in Ansonia Connecticut under the nurturing of her grandmother Harriet C. Parks. Mother Harriet C. Parks was her foundation in the Church of God In Christ. Her mother Elder Darlene Thompson was a mentor for her and played a vital part of her early spiritual upbringing. At the age of nine (9) years old she was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost under the leadership of Overseer Idel T. Williams, Pastor of Maranatha Pentecostal Church.
Apostle Collins is the founder of Transforming Word of Truth Worship Center. The ministry was birthed out of a Bible Study beginning on June 3, 2010. In September of the same year the ministry held its first Sunday Service. Transforming Word of Truth is a Bible based teaching, apostolic, prophetic and deliverance ministry that was founded on Il Timothy 2:15.
Her education began as a graduate of the Ansonia High School in Ansonia CT. She then graduated from Hampton University where she obtained her Bachelors of Arts Degree in Political Science. In 2010 she received her Masters of Arts in Public Administration from East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.
Apostle has completed her studies at East Carolina University with her Doctorate in Educational Leadership with a concentration in Higher Education. Apostle Collins has been blessed to serve and be mentored by many of God's elect such as Overseer Idel T. Williams, Overseer Viola Moore, Pastor and Founder of Back to the Bible Church (deceased), Bishop Beatrice E. Redmond, Apostle and Founder of He's Alive Ministries, Stratford, CT; Elder Thomas C. Simpson, Pastor and Founder of Spirit of Life Church of God In Christ; Spiritual Father Apostle Michael D. Densmore, Stamford, CT and currently ArchBishop Cassandra Smith, Florence SC. Instilled with the heart of a servant, Apostle
Heather D. Collins has served in various capacities such as Praise and Worship Leader, Youth Ministry Leader, Sunday School and Children's Church teacher, Church Secretary, Pastor's Nurse, Adjutant, Administrator to the Pastor and Pastor's Aide President to name a few. Apostle Heather D. Collins is a Charter Member of the Eastern North Carolina Chapter of Jack & Jill of America. Apostle Collins is a member of the Pitt County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. She can be found in the 2009 -2010 edition of Who's Who in America. She was inducted into the Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society in April 2010.
Apostle Heather D. Collins works along side of her husband, in training prophets in the Elijah Encounter School of the prophets, Leadership Training, Ministry Operations, and Conferences, Coronations, Affirmations and Consecrations in the Kingdom of God. She is the First Presiding Prelate of Kingdom Covenant International Ecumenical Council of Churches, Inc. and flows in the prophetic stream and oil and is an end-time Apostle in the Lord's Church. Apostle Heather D. Collins resides in Greenville, North Carolina with her husband Apostle Lannice I.. Collins and their four children, Shanaya Moneque, Christopher Jalen, Jonathan David, and Lannice Oreonne. They currently serve as pastors of Kingdom Life Worship Center in Greenville, North Carolina (previously Transforming Word of Truth).